As much as I love following college football recruiting, I often feel like I need to shower after reading message boards affiliated with a lot of different universities.
The Parents

The Fans
Whether you’ve worn the school’s colors – or just happen to be a fan, some of these people are absolutely out of their minds! They make excuses for players already on the roster and shower recruits with compliments, only to turn around and criticize and ridicule 18-year old kids who decide on another destination. Many fans are so blinded by their affection for said school that they don’t listen to themselves. Because if they had – or had shared their thoughts with a Wife/Daughter – they’d be ashamed.
The Boosters / Recruiting sites
These sites range from sane to comical – and everywhere in between. While all are slanted in their views, some sites attempt to keep peace and rationale as a standard. Others encourage the stupidity, because after all, keeping those folks who pay $9.95 per month happy is what it’s all about. The reason I’m ranting on this topic today is a back-and-forth I read between – a site dedicated to Syracuse Athletics – and the Father of Ishaq Williams. At some point, the author of this article … ... decided he knew what was best for Ishaq, moreso than Mr. Williams.
A site administrator or staff member who goes by the name of “D.A.” – (you can decide what the initials stand for) – dropped the hammer on Mr. Williams for among other things, stirring the pot by wearing hats of different schools recruiting his son – or for wanting his son to become “a household name across America.” Didn’t you know that good parents don’t want their children to have success?
Mr. Williams responded to the criticism from OrangeFizz, “i am Ishaq’s father and i don’t frankly care how you feel about the fact that i attended your alma mater (both parents are Syracuse Alums). You have obviously been studying my statements and actions (with the hats) and now you say my priorities are mixed up? it’s seems you are deluded, but i am not. you make money off of carrying this type of news, i don’t. i am looking for the best situation for my son. if he injures himself and can no longer play football, neither you nor any of your readers will care about him or what hat i am wearing. we said all schools were equal and we meant it. i guess if you don’t like my statements, that is your choice. you should at least thank me for giving you something to write about. in the end it is all entertainment. I’m not hard to reach. and yes, the possibility of my son becoming a household name across america is appealing to me. how dare you question my priorities? are you not entertained. my son is in the position that he is in because of guidance, not a wicked 40 time!”
Well done, Mr. Williams.
I’m guessing with parents like this – Ishaq will be just fine – whether he chooses Syracuse, Penn State or Notre Dame.
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