Friday, March 11, 2011

Binti Jua - Daughter of Sunshine - Still a Hero

Binti Jua – the Gorilla Hero of Brookfield Zoo in suburban Chicago – had a physical this week. Vets at the Zoo put her under anesthesia while they conducted a battery of tests – which is done every other year.

Binti Jua’s reputation preceeds her, having saved a 4-year old boy back in 1996.

On August 16, 1996, Binti was in her enclosure when a 4-year old boy fell 18-feet onto a concrete area separating the Gorillas from zoo visitors. The unconscious child lay on the ground – while spectators screamed in horror – sure the Gorilla would kill the boy.

Instead, like the Mother she’d just become, Binti scooped up the child, patted him on the back and then took him an entrance where Zoo personnel could collect the child.

He spent 4 days in the hospital and was released. And Binti became a national treasure.

Binti Jua's name means "Daughter of Sunshine" in Swahili.

Binti Jua – Animal Hero:
Binti Jua Checkup:

Video of Binti Jua at her home in Brookield Zoo:

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