Barack Obama is quickly becoming the Rodney Dangerfield of Commanders in Chief. It seems no matter what happens on this man's shift, Obama will NEVER get credit from some - for anything.
Eight years after "Mission Accomplished" signs adorned a Naval carrier behind Bush, Obama is the guy who's troops took out the mastermind of 9/11. By not giving credit to the Commander in Chief, you're putting yourself in a bucket with Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and the "Birthers."
Blame is in no shortage when it comes to an economy that he inherited. In case you didn't know, Obama was leading the country when the economy collapsed, when housing prices tanked, when bailouts were "all the rage" and when wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were launched. Those things are all his fault.
But now, when something positive happens - the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden, the fingers are pointing towards George W. Bush? Are you shitting me? G-Dub? The man who started wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, built Guantanamo Bay and oversaw the demolition of US housing - is now getting credit for something he couldn't do during 6 years in the White House - capture Bin Laden.
General Stanley McChrystal praised the "decision makers" for having great courage. "Think of what would have happened if the mission had not been successful, and all of the second-guessing that would have happened," McChrystal told a meeting of the American Iron and Steel Institute in Colorado Springs.
"This mission sends a message about our will to stand up for what is right."
Read the rest of MacChrystal's comments The Huffington Post.

Whether Democrat, Republican, Independent, Tea Party, Libertarian or other - we are all Americans today and should be proud that what took almost 10 years to accomplish - is now done. Osama Bin Laden is dead. Stop crediting Bush and give Obama credit on this one. After all, the Mission is now accomplished.
why credit any president for this? it was the work of the Navy Seals and their support. the credit goes to the brave man who put a bullet through that cowards head. Any president would have given the go ahead.
Let's credit the troops that got the job done and the Navy Seal the pulled the trigger! THEY are the ones that keep our country free and safe! GOD BLESS AMERICA! Maybe someday people will realize that this is ALL bigger than ONE MAN!
Also, give credit to Obama for reappointing Bush's man, Emperor Bernanke to the Federal Reserve. "He who controls the money supply, controls the nation." -James Garfield
Don't forget Robert Gates either! Oh, and is Guantanamo Bay closed yet?
I didn’t like Bush at all, but I think he’s getting a bad rap for his appearance in front of the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner. The mission in Iraq was to remove Saddam and his government. Our military went in there and destroyed the Iraqi military and government. The mission was accomplished at that point. It was the peace that he messed up on.
If Osama was killed during the one of the Bush terms, Bush would have gotten the credit. I think most people do give credit to both Obama, and our troops. It doesn’t make the news because it’s not news. Our President is the commander and chief, he gave the order, and the troops, as they always do, did the job. That’s the way it should be. The GOP comments make the news because it’s so unbelievable that our ‘leaders’ can be so petty and stupid.
- Richard Borskie
Kudos! Great discussion. Thanks for having the guts to say what you really feel.
I was just waiting for this to be spun against Obama but the truth is this - were he the devil incarnate as many would have you believe - then we'd know. Really this guy is pretty clean compared to most career politicians. And he will not be that - he will go on to do some amazing things in his post political life. All the hater can just do that - hate. Must be a miserable life to just sit around making up nasty crap about people but keep doing it. You are not hurting me!
I think Obama just got himself re-elected by the death of Bin Laden
Bush deserves NO Credit. He had his chance for eight-years and did nothing to find him. In fact, he eveb said in the Spring of 2002, months after 9/11 that he stop thinking about Bin Laden. Instead he invaded a country and ginned up a war to get himself re-elected. As for Obama, this is what happens when you read the daily briefings. Congrats to Obama and his administration.
C'mon Big Red,
You know us brotha's never get any credit! LMAO. I think Barack and George W. were in this together, they had Osama for years, but George had no reason to play the card, he gave it to Barack 'cause he didn't like McCain anyway.
I can only say at this point that I am skeptical of anything that comes from our government in regard to the Bin Laden debacle. Burial at sea? Huh. Really. As high as the country's emotions are after "the tragic events of 9/11" one would think that everything would be done to dispel any doubt on the capture and/or demise of public enemy number one. As far as crediting the president, I would credit the military that brought him down, just like I credited the military when Bush was in office and Saddam went down. And we did have proof of that, did we not? Obama did inherit quite the shit storm when he was elected into office. But I am not a democrat, nor a socialist. I am looking forward to the elections and will vote for the candidate with the best track record, and hopefully a military background. It's time that we consider exploring becoming an industrialized nation again. That's my blah blah and I'm sticking with it.
You and your left wing liberal nut job friends are nothing but hypocrites and are what is wrong with America. We can’t interrogate prisoners with water……..but we can walk in and shoot them in the head when unarmed? We can’t show pictures of Osama Bin Laden….but we can show pictures of everyone else that was blown away in the raid on Sunday night. Capturing Osama Bin Laden when Bush was president would change nothing………now it is the greatest accomplishment of the Obama presidency and will make us safer? You all make me sick!
Bush started it. Obama ended it... Enuff said...JB KW
I have to agree the president is talking out of both sides of his mouth, he says we don't need to spike the ball by showing pictures of Bin Laden, but then goes to ground zero to pound his chest about killing him and makes a campaign stop out of it.
I am not an Obama fan but am glad he kept the hunt for Bin Laden going. I am glad that smelling bearded motherfucker is dead. Now let's see some pictures of his half blown off head.
AC, I absolutely LOVE your comments. I didn't say I agree 100%, but I do appreciate the thoughtfulness and willingness to to hear opposing views!
However, Barack Obama went around spiking the ball for months after this and the vast majority in the media did as well...Of course he deserves some recognition for giving the go ahead, but to hail him as best President ever(not that you have)is absurd...Bush has gotten the blame for everything...even in your post about the housing problem everyone knows that Bush disagreed with the policies Clinton instituted in regards to Fanny and Freddy...What about Clinton not taking out Osama when he had a chance amidst the Lewinsky hearings? Remember during Bush's last two years Democrats controlled the Congress... Presidents do not make laws, the sign them and execute we need to be fair and admit that both parties have major flaws and to move our country forward we need to stop blaming people and work toward solutions today.
Let's look at black unemployment... it is a crime how many blacks are out of work...I thought Obama said he had shovel ready jobs! 50% of black youth are unemployed if this was a white president he would have been forced to step down from office. I wish we could get past this, "if you don't agree with the President you are a racist BS!" We have to face it, 1/2 the country does not like what he is doing, more than 1/2 think he is taking us the wrong direction and in 2+ years we will have someone in office that will get the same treatment he gets and 1/2 the country will call him the devil (as many do President Bush with no support from Dems) and so on...Until we can move past name calling and finger pointing we are doomed to fail! I am with Michael Jackson on this..."I'm starting with the man in the mirror!"
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