Thursday, June 9, 2011

Anthony Weiner Should NOT Resign

So I'm doing some work in my office and listening to CNN in the background and Jack Cafferty comes on with his opinion piece. He goes on a diatribe about how Rep. Anthony Weiner - in the aftermath of "Weiner-Gate" - should do the "honorable thing" and resign his post. After all, he's disgraced the Country and the House of Representatives.


Of all the crooked crap that goes on in the Federal Government - from the President on down - you want me to be outraged because Weiner sent a picture of his package to a consenting adult? Yes, he's a scumbag, but he's not quite on the level of Republican Presidential hopeful, Newt Gingrich, is he? (see my blog about his infidelity)

Weiner will face the heat at home, where his Wife will punish, and deservedly so. But why should he quit?

Weapons of Mass Destruction weren't found, thousands of American Soldiers have lost their lives - and nobody resigned over that. Isn't that a little more critical to our National Pride - being right?

Instead, we want to talk about Weiner's penis - just another topic to distract us from the important business at-hand ... keeping Sarah Palin's access to the White House via tour only.


Anonymous said...

Very well Written.. Thank You for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the real estate crash that landed millions of Americans without homes - anyone lose their job over that?

Elise Segar said...

Great post Adam! Not only true - but totally cracked me up!