Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yo it's about that time to bring forth the rhythm and the rhyme

Rather than continue to scream at the television - and/or - yell at the guy on the radio, I've decided to put my thoughts in writing and hopefully be interesting enough to elicit a response from YOU!

That's right. You! When was the last time you went to a blog and they talked about you? I do so because I'm different like that. I like you. I want to hear from you. I may not agree with you, but that's ok too.

So ... what's this blog about? Obviously not "just" sports.

I'm a well-rounded (literally and figuratively) guy, so I won't corner myself with a sports-only mantra. I want to spread my wings. Topics up for discussion are ... well, almost anything ... television, movies, Women and yes, even politics!

This will be a “stream of consciousness” blog that hopefully resembles some kind of coherent thoughts. My goal is to present you – the most important person in the world – with my thoughts – the most important in my brain. At that point, you can tell me I’m a genius, that I don’t know jack or that you really dig my bald dome. Either way is fine.

So, here we go. No more yelling at the television. Gone are the days of screaming at the radio because a Host or Caller said something stupid. I’m officially a keyboard-badass! You game?

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